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Subject: Re: next outing

Ar June
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Date Posted: 13:38:48 11/23/03 Sun

eh, u all damn happening man... I was studying until i almost rotted and grow mushrooms from my stomach when i decided to check out this noticeboard... Initially thot should have not many msgs, just a few of the "usual" patrons...But look...all of u are still so on! Oh man!

Alamak, my exams not over yet, everyone's so stressed. This weihua, dunno wat subjects she took...exams end so early one..while mine dragged until so loooooonngg..... Wat a bore!everyday at ard 2.30pm, I will grow mushrooms from myself and then i pluck and eat for dinner...haha...no la, as usual, me toking cork.

Cheong? not now la..siao leh ah P! Go study la...Then make sure u score for the coming paper! Must get AD! weihua bluff one, she everyday so happening, today go here, tomolo go there, everyday wif different different ppl...where got do FYP? Dun jia jia la...haha...

See u all so happening i very jealous man, Me still slogging away...everyday sleep no good, eyes now can fight wif the ah xiong from mandai...damn ugly. then everytime stresss eat junk food, stomach can fight the Ex-ex bird king...

Org outing? weihua, your job la..the NTU ppl help her out ba..ah P so free also can help think, ha...but cannot only org cheong sessions la...waste $, drink too much, my brain spoilt(no wonder I getting more and more stupid ar, so many questions cannot do in my exams!@#$%^) and then most imptly, a lot of ppl dun really cheong one.

Just some updates from the NUS side: As usual, every one is busy mugging, except weihua, who is REAL happening. Zhiqin-I see very little,almost none after last saturday(15th, first paper--LAW!!!) Selang, although taking some simliar modules...this chap, dunno where he hide and then only got to ctach him stuffing himself wif Mac fries and hearing his fren getting all excited abt this gal from ME...as usual, he's grown..ahem, plumper liao, but yet he insists that ah beng and Javis say he slim down liao..(oh man, that's the best joke every...agree?)and he went stalking after his "miao-miao" at friendster...*speechless*
Ah quek, I also din see him after the 15th, sad hor. He so kiasu, I also so Kiasu, and then AMK damn far from clementi, so only can sometimes tok tok on the fone... He was very affected by his last paper and then he say he going to commit suicide when he saw his house windows open...No la...how will he do that? else, he will not be seeing his pretty gf again man...haha... He's alright I guess, but I think like me, same lor, very bored and stress and then always eat junk food...heehee...

Ok ..gotta go mugging again, U all read this liao dun PengZ ok? must understand that I wrote this in the midst of my papers and then a bit GAGA up there...


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