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Subject: Surprises can be fun!

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Date Posted: Thursday, July 24, 08:34:19pm

Hi everyone! Last Wednesday I spent the whole day with Virginia Farmer. She traveled with me to Culpeper to pick up a antique secretary that a friend of mine had restored for me. (No smart remarks...this antique secretary wasn't me! It was an old piece of furniture which has been in my father's family for over 400 years.)

On the way to Culpeper, I decided to make a couple of detours to visit ex-Deluxers. The first stop was at Tom & Vi Harkins' place in the west end. I had a gift for their new granddaughter and a grandparent's album for them. It's summertime and Tom usually plays golf on Tuesdays. So he hasn't been at the breakfast gathering on the months that I've attended. When we arrived, we walked up to the front of the house and stood on the front porch in between the door and picture window. A couple of minutes after we rang the doorbell, a very shocked and surprised Vi opened the door with curlers in her hair and wearing a house robe. Virginia and I just looked at each other and yelled "Surprise" to which Vi got tickled and laughed.
After a nice visit, she took us to her backyard and told us to tell everyone about her beautiful flowers. (Actually the backyard looked like a park; colorful flowers and a manicured yard.) With this we exchanged hugs and said our goodbyes, and west on I-64 we continued to the Manakin exit.

Here we detoured a short distance off path to Ann Williams' house. I hadn't seen Ann but a couple of times since retiring and had an accumulation of Christmas and Birthday gifts for her. (Normally, Ray and I visited with Ann and her family every year on Christmas Day, but with Ann's mother being sick and mine, things weren't the norm this year. When we arrived at Ann's, I was the one surprised - she wasn't home! As a matter of fact, no one was there and all of her doors were locked tight including the gates. So now what do I do??? There was a gray car parked in the driveway with "dealers tags" and the door was unlocked, so I piled gifts on the driver's side seat and floor. Hopefully this car was Emerson's, if not, I'd be the one in for a big surprise! With this accomplished, Virginia and I headed on to Culpeper.

The ride was absolutely beautiful, with all the farms, old plantation houses, and little villages. We stopped and checked out several antique shops and little stores as well as visited downtown Culpeper while we waited for my friends to arrive home from work.

Once we got to their house, I took Virginia in and gave her a tour of their 1929 home which they are restoring. It has 15 large rooms; (4 bedrooms/4 baths), and a garage in the basement area.

What a surprise I had! I almost didn't recognize my piece of furniture. It was restored to its full glory. (I just wish my father could have seen how beautiful this secretary turned out. It was brought to America by his great-grandfather from Germany a very long time ago. Dad gave it to me five months before he died asking that I take care of it.) It sat in my garage for several years before I learned this friend restored furniture. On the day that we went to pick up this piece of furniture, I delivered another old piece to him for a "winter project" at his request.

Even though we didn't get to see a few Deluxers that we had hoped to see, Virginia and I still had a wonderful day together and, when and if you see Vi, please tell her that we told you "that she had a beautiful flower garden". It will make her day!

Ann did e-mail me, she did find her "Surprise".

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