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Subject: Favorite Charity

Linda Roper
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Date Posted: Saturday, August 02, 07:39:03pm

Ok, I've got an idea for your charity. There's this little Children's Home in India that I know about that is about to get underway, they're in the process of looking for funds... Ok, just a thought.

In case any of you didn't know, my daughter is in India, recently married, and in the process of taking in orphans and/or unwanted children to raise. They haven't gotten all of the approvals yet, but it looks like they're not going to wait until they get something built, but to go ahead and start taking in the first couple of children very soon. Which makes it more interesting as she'll be starting her own family in about 6 months too. Yup, that's right, I'm gonna be a grandma... or correctly put in Hinda Nani (nanee). Yes we're excited, but trying to figure out how to be long distance grandparents, which I guess most people are these days, but boy is that a long distance.

Ok everybody, bring us up to date.

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