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Subject: Isabel wasn't friendly to us

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Date Posted: Sunday, September 21, 11:53:00am

Good morning everyone! Richie, I'm glad to hear that you only lost a couple small trees. Glebe Point looked like a war zone after Isabel's visit. We're still without electricity and are using a generator for power. We've lost 13 large trees that we can see from the house but haven't checked the woods yet. One of the 13 mentioned landed over the garage. Most of these trees were uprooted maples and oaks. (If anyone needs fire wood for the winter, come haul it away...Ray is cutting it into small pieces, but it will need to be split.)

Knowing that Isabel was hitting the Chesapeake Bay area, we traveled to the northern neck early yesterday morning to check things there. After seeing the damages to our river neighbors' properties, we feel blessed. We only had branches in the yard and a couple of trees leaning a bit too much which Ray and our friends took down and hauled off. The buildings were all fine, except for a window which Ray broke while trying to run the wire from the generator to the house for electricity. The only power in the northern neck area on our way up was in Warsaw and it was limited. On our return trip it appeared that electric in the small towns had been restored. We got home after mid-

We did have a "T" shaped pier, which is now an "L". We also had a couple of built-in chairs and a bench, which Isabel removed. Luckily, the crabber man on our creek found these items and secured them with ropes to our property so they can be repaired (and maybe everything reattached) when time permits. We also had a pontoon (not ours) that had broken loose and drifted to what was left of the pier. All three of our boats were untouched. Thank God.

While the guys pitched in to help one another clean up, I dumped the freezers and cooked the food that was still partially frozen. Everyone was glad to have a meal of hot food and each expressed their appreciations.

(Speaking of appreciations, Ray and I are most appreciative of Dreama and Wallace's help. They rode to the river with us to help board up the glassed doors and windows this past Tuesday. Thanks friends!)

Does any one know if the other Deluxers having waterfront homes and if their properties survived Isabel? (Such as Janice Shelton, Maxine Branscom, Barbara Askew, Dreama Sloan, Janice Mabe, Earl Nunnally, Jim Haynes, to name just a few.)

Ray was prepared to cut some more trees this morning and realized he left both of his chair saws sitting on a swing in the back yard at the riverhouse, so he's on his way back to the river for the fourth time this week. As I said above, if anyone needs wood come and get it or if you're one who just loves to use the chain saw, brings yours and use it. We'd certainly appreciate the help in cleaning up!

Hopefully, none of our Deluxe friends or their family members have survived and no serious damages that cannot be repaired.

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