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Subject: Little bit o' nothin'

Linda Roper
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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 28, 06:53:22am

Just figured I step in for a sec and type something, since its been a while since I've posted. I'm doing fine, about the same as always. We were totally blessed that Isabel left us fairly unscathed. We live in the midst of the woods, and even though we had trees falling in the forest (and since we were there we could hear them) the only one that was close was the one that fell on my husband's car. We counted ourselves very lucky (luckier than most) but low and behold when we cut the branches off, only the top leafy branches had hit the car and it had left no dents and only minor scratches (which if we ever waxed the thing would probably wax out).

As far as family goes, John, whom some of you may remember working with, is still in the Atlanta area in Georgia. He is working his way through college in hopes of becoming a teacher. He was substituting but found it difficult to go to class full time and still make any money. Right now he's working nights at Kinko's. My daughter is still in India with her husband and awaiting baby's arrival late January/early February. She is feeling fine and says she's getting "fat". She's supposed to be sending me some pictures so I can see what the expectant mother looks like. I hate missing these exciting times with her, but I better get used to being a long distance grandma. My youngest is in his last year at William & Mary, and hasn't a clue what he wants to do with his degree (if he manages to pass). Oh well, kids, gotta love em.

Anyhow, since it had been a while since anybody posted I figured I'd give a long drawn out lot of nothing that nobody may have wanted to read, but it would give them something to look at anyway.

I hope God is blessing you all.

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