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Wed, Feb 19 2025, 14:58:57 | [ Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1, 2 ] |
To start off I’m a Buffy fanatic, and through Buffy I have learned, to
love to write and I give all the credit to Joss and the writers of the show,
chances are that what gets posted here will be Property of them, although we
just borrow and have fun with them from time to time. Now I as you will soon
find out am not a professional writer, just guy who is addicted, to it so any
and all help we can provide to each other, will be happily accepted,
PS check the archive for back chapters of stories
So have fun read, write and be merry.
Finally thank You Gemma for the advice on all of this I owe you one.
Dru’s pet
Sister Slayer hosted by MT's Fan
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