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Date Posted: 13:03:59 07/01/03 Tue
Author: Please Read!
Subject: Found on another board

Copied form another board -- really makes you think...., 07:50:39 07/01/03 Tue
Just something to think about. Not bashing any one. Justsomehting to think about with all the bashing and negative things on the boards lately. -- Please read it carefully ,and take it into consideration., 09:25:10 07/01/03 Tue
I am a Beauty Queen

I am small and beautiful
I know this for I have so many crowns upon my shelf
I have banners and trophies and a Mom that is so happy when I win,
She can't help but to thank herself!

I am a Beauty Queen
I love to go to Pageants and see all my freinds,
But wait there are these mom's there that are mad and angry,
so I do not know if I love it anymore
Are they mad at me?
Or do they think that I can't See
that they are Mom's of my freinds
And pretended to be close to me

My mom tells me to do my best,
that is all she expects
But If I do not Win What she thinks I deserve
she never let's it rest.
She Makes her calls, and goes on her computor
To tell others of the bad Pageant Director
or of those that just did not see it the way it should be.
My mom again is talking about my freinds and me.

Not so much with her words but with her behavior
she acts like the world is out to get her.
So she types about her thoughts with such hatred and anger.
On these boards that hurt all with words of jelousy,
anger and really bad behavior.

She thinks I don't understand since I can not read
what is on those boards that she so desperatly needs.
I am small but I know that my Mom is up to no good.
She has a frown on her face this I can see,
it is a pageant board where they talk
about my freinds and me.

I am sorry that I did not win enough today
I will practice harder any way
So that mom can brag about me
I only wish that she could see.
I am not having fun anymore
since the parents started keeping score

I am a Beauty Queen
But I don't want it no more
because our Moms and Grandma's
do not do it for me or my freinds
You do it for yourselves and we know it is true.

I am angry when I do not get my way
and why not this is what Mom did today
I don't play with my Pageant freinds as much anymore
since our Mom's started bashing and what for?

They talk nice, sweet and kind
and at home they can't wait to speak their mind
about their freinds and a Pageant Director
that worked so hard to put things together
Just so I could walk on stage and win another crown
I am a Beauty Queen you can see.
Since I am unhappy about mom and me

Mom please don't talk about my freinds
or bash someone for being better than me
I tried real hard for you today
Oh well I guess it won't matter any way
I am small and beautiful and angry and mad.
it is that mean director that has made Mom sad.

I will not forget the things I have learned
Not poise, or good sportsmanship or thankfulness
for the things I have earned.

But to fight and to gripe about all that did not agree with me.
Thank you Mom, Dad and Grandma for these things you have taught me
I will carry it with me through out my life since I am a reflection
of you, don't you see.
I am the product of my envirement and will do as you do
Since you are the one that taught me to be like you.

Could be any child in Pageants today
Do we really want them to go on this way
or should we take a look around and change what the children see. We can tell them how proud we are of them and then tear it all down by our actions. These children work hard to please us and learn from what they see in us and from us.

Please Can't you see, What we are doing to our Children in the way we act in front of them and around them they do not miss much.

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