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Subject: Re: Jericho II-02

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Date Posted: 03:54:56 02/03/02 Sun
In reply to: Anon 's message, "Jericho II" on 23:17:33 01/28/02 Mon


Operations shoved his hands into his pockets, frowning deeply as he watched the monitor in front of him. At his side, Madeline waited calmly, her hands loosely clasped. The screen showed the interior of Nikita’s apartment. Together they observed her sitting on the floor in her living room wrestling with the latest of her wire sculptures. It was a hobby that she’d recently acquired and seemed to enjoy spending a lot of her free time on. Audio surveillance was also installed in her apartment but Operations had turned the volume off, appalled at the intrusive clattering which Nikita favored as music. After another minute he turned the video feed off too.

“What’s your recommendation?” he asked.

“Her scores are consistent,” Madeline reported. “Just over 85%. With continued monitoring, and mentoring, Nikita has the potential of becoming a very successful operative. I recommend we put her on a probationary status for the next six months and reevaluate at the end of that time frame.”

Operations nodded reluctantly. “Michael tends to think the same thing.” Operations sighed and came to a decision. “All right. Do as you recommend. What about her mentor, will you keep her with Michael?”

“I believe that would be best for now. She trusts him to a certain degree and responds well to his training.”

“Yes, but what about Michael’s other mission? Don’t you think this might distract him from the end game there?” Operations asked.

“I don’t believe so,” Madeline replied. “Mentoring Nikita, in fact, seems to be helping Michael keep the end game in focus.”

Operations peered at her with renewed interest. “You think that Michael is becoming too attached?”

Madeline paused, reviewing in her mind again Michael’s profile on the Vacek mission. “It’s always difficult to keep the necessary level of detachment when a blood cover is in place,” Madeline said. “Now that he has Adam, we need to make certain that he has an equal level of motivation within Section.”

“And you think Nikita is the key?”

“She isn’t intimidated by him,” Madeline replied. “Of the three recruits put under his care, she’s the one he responds best to.”

Operations exhaled slowly, his expression doubtful. “She’s also the most difficult.”

Madeline smiled. “Yes, she is. But Michael likes challenges. That’s why I think Nikita is perfect for him.”


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Subject Author Date
*cough*(r)15:52:15 02/04/02 Mon
This is getting interesting....(r)Lady E18:12:35 02/04/02 Mon
So glad that you are writing this continuation! I *loved* Jericho I (NT)Kim22:00:07 02/04/02 Mon
Enjoying your story and looking forward to more! (NT)Sheila22:58:53 02/04/02 Mon
<font color="red"><b>Re: Jericho II-02: REVISED</B></FONT>Anon23:35:19 02/05/02 Tue
Re: Jericho II-02: REVISED (trying to post again)Anon23:38:29 02/05/02 Tue

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