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Subject: Patience rewarded......

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Date Posted: 19:18:05 08/31/02 Sat
In reply to: Anon 's message, "Jericho, 15" on 13:32:26 08/31/02 Sat

>“Daddy! Daddy!”
>Michael smiled as he crouched down and opened his arms
>to await Adam’s hug. He held in his right hand a
>bouquet of pink and white roses for Elena – a peace
>offering for being several days delayed. It amazed
>him at times that Elena was so patient with him but he
>was also grateful because it allowed him more leeway
>to carry on his other duties at Section.
>Michael sighed and closed his eyes as his son’s little
>arms hooked tightly around his neck. “Hello, Adam.”
>He gave the boy a kiss on the cheek and then stood,
>lifting his son up with him and turned to face a
>smiling Elena. A glimmering of guilt assuaged Michael
>as his gaze settled upon her but he quickly tapped it
>down as he stepped into the role of loving husband. An
>hour later he had showered, changed, and was playing
>with Adam on the living room floor as Elena prepared
>As the sound of Adam’s laughter filled the room,
>Michaels thoughts turned to consider what his life
>would have been like if his choices earlier in life
>had been different. Where would he be now? He
>liked to believe that he and Simone would have had a
>chance at a real life together but that wasn’t likely
>considering he didn’t meet Simone until after he was
>in Section. And as for Elena, Michael was truly fond
>of her – she was a good and beautiful woman, a
>wonderful mother, but he doubted they would have ended
>up together if Section had not been involved. If she
>had any true idea of the man he really was Michael was
>certain Elena would have escaped long ago.
> ‘Stop being so hard on yourself.’
>A small sad smile lifted the corners of Michael’s
>lips. He could just imagine Simone saying that to
>him. She’d stand with her feet planted firmly apart
>and her hands on her hips and glare at him.
>‘You’ve made the best of what you could with your
>life. Don’t look back, Michael. Don’t ever look

>With a small sigh Michael lifted Adam up onto his lap
>and held him close. Thank God for Adam. Despite the
>private misgivings he’d had about establishing a blood
>cover, Adam was the one sure anchor in his life.
>Michael’s thoughts turned suddenly to Nikita and the
>last encounter they’d had. She’d completed the last
>mission with high marks except for the small fact that
>Alec Chandler was killed when they’d been under orders
>to bring him in alive. Operations had placed the blame
>squarely upon Nikita and nothing Michael had been able
>to say had changed his mind.
>Once Michael had been given clearance to return home
>he had stopped by Nikita’s to check on her. As he had
>suspected, she was sullen and angry at the lies she’d
>been told in the beginning of the mission. She was
>angry too that he’d betrayed the small trust they’d
>begun to establish and Michael had tried to explain
>that he’d had no choice. He did what he had to. They
>all did. That was what being in Section was all
>about. And then out of the blue he’d told her that it
>wasn’t what he would have chosen for the two of them.
>Michael’s brows furrowed in a small frown. He
>shouldn’t have told her that. It had been a slip on
>his part to let her know he was beginning to care for
>her. But he couldn’t leave without at least
>attempting to make her understand that if he could
>have changed things, he would have for her.
>He was startled out of his thoughts as Elena knelt
>down beside him. She smiled warmly at him and Adam.
>“Dinner’s ready, darling.”
>Michael pushed all thoughts of Nikita and Section off

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This made my day!!ArcticSky20:58:33 08/31/02 Sat

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