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Date Posted: 21:51:00 03/11/12 Sun
Author: Beaty

As readers, we've all learned to recognize most cliches and to groan when we see them repeated in book after book. But you know, the reason cliches are repeated so often is because there tends to be little bit of truth in them.

You should always watch the quiet ones; not until they are no longer here do you realize what a Hugh silence is left with their absence.

Judy was one of our "quiet ones" - well, until you worked with her on the Author Interviews or The Hughies, or played dominoes, or cards or discussed story genres, or went to a Chippendales' show in Las Vegas with her. Especially if you let her talk you into having an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie (they had 0 trans fats with her recipe) and as long as you were doing that, you should try a glass of her favorite wine. I'm not really sure she ever disclosed the healthy properties of the wine - she just kept repeating her cookies had 0 trans fats -- here, have a second one and you're going to need more wine with that.

Judy spent many years working on our monthly newsletter keeping everyone straight with their grammar and spelling. She was a stickler for proper procedure which made her perfect for organizing our Author Interviews or our Iconic Hughies every February just to name a few of the jobs she volunteered for.

Sadly, Judy passed away in early March, and now we realize how hugh a silence will be left by her passing. We ask that you join with us in celebrating her life with the following memories. Just click on the angel.

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