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Subject: Online Booking Experience

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Date Posted: 14:10:08 04/05/2010

Just been through the new online booking system. The new on-line system at the RAH looks slick and for me went well.

I started by logging in, about 13;00ish. Due to 'demand' I was put in the waiting room at number 1860(ish). It took about 30 minutes to spool down to zero and then automagically dumped me back to the page where I could retrieve my pre-generated Proms Plan and pass through the ordering process. This looks line most online stores. It seems to reserve your tickets as you go to checkout. Don't know what happens if a concert is sold out at that point.

You get 25 minutes to complete the process once you go to checkout. You'll need to know the pass codes for your plastic if you have extra verification imposed by your bank (verified by VISA etc).

You get an email telling you what you've ordered, and those folk wanting a season ticket of some sort will need to do the usual with photos - the address to send them to is in the email.

In all, not something you want to do using a dial-up modem but it works.


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