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Date Posted: 21:22:01 02/19/08 Tue
Tha'i Du+o+ng Tha`nh, FEB-19-08
Die^.t tru+` Nghi. Quye^'t 36
La` cha(.t tay cha^n lu~ Vie^.t Gian \
La` cu+'u toa`n da^n ra ngu.c tha^'t,
Cu~ng la` cu+'u la^'y ma?nh giang san \.
Pha^.t tu+? Vie^.t Nam chie^'m so^' ddo^ng \.
La`m cho Co^.ng Sa?n kho' ye^n lo`ng \.
Gian manh va.n ke^' ddem dda`n a'p,
Xa?o quye^t nghi`n mu+u ta^'n co^ng \.
Ho^. ly' ca.o dda^`u : Ni nga^.p pho^' \.
Co^ng an xuo^'ng to'c : Sa~i dda^`y ddo^`ng \.
"Quo^'c Doanh", "Pha?n Gia'o", nga`y ca`ng lo^.ng,
Ha?i ngoa.i le~ na`o chi? ddu+'ng tro^ng ?
TDT, FEB-19-08
Ngo^ Phu?
============ ========= ========= ========
----- Original Message -----
From: Brendon Howard
Tang/Ni ba?o la~nh
Bo Luat DI Tru - Immigration ACT
Tang/Ni VN, duoc bao lanh ra Hai Ngoai
- La Viet Gian, giao gian, hay la Viet Cong nam vung?
- Theo bo luat Di Tru, cua tat cac cac quoc gia Hoa Ky, Cananda, Uc va Au Chau, da xac dinh rat ro ve nhung quy dinh, trong muc dich Bao Lanh lam thuong tru nhan, hoac Du Lich, hoat dong ton giao ect…
- Co the truy to Hinh Su, cho ca nguoi bao lanh lan duong su duoc bao lanh.
- Hien nay, tai Hai Ngoai. Nhom Tang/ Ni, Su quyoc doanh do Le Manh That dao tao, the lenh cua Pham The Duyet, ban ton giao Dang, da xam nhap vao cac giao hoi PGVNTN, va dad u nhan su de khuynh dao toan bo co che va lap truong, theo nghi quyet 36 cua Dang Cong San. (Thu tuong Cong San Nguyen Tan Dung ra ra lenh cho Le Manh That dao tao 26, ooo Can bo ton giao?? Dai hoc Khuong Viet ?? Se la noi thuc hien “manh lenh” nay cua Dung? Nhung ai dong gop cho viec xay dung Dai Hoc nay, tuc la gop von, de dao tao can bo Cong san?)
- Kinh xin, Ban Chap Hanh Cong dong nguoi Viet ty nan CS, tai hai ngoai, Dong Bao Hai Ngoai, nhat la gioi luat su, co kha nang chuyen mon, dieu nghien, Vach Tran, cac am muu, tham nhap cua cac can bo Ton Giao nay?
- Chung ta phai thau thap chung co, theo doi cac hanh vi, do^.ng tha’I cua cac MA TANG & MA NU nay, Khong de bon chung loi dung, cac ke ho cua Luat Phap, de lam “gian diep” cho Cong San, ngay tren manh dat Tu Do cua chung ta.
- NHung Ma Tang va Ma nu, nay co the la DAI DIEN cho Giao Hoi Phat Giao chung ta chang?? Can phai xet lai?? Tai sao chung ta lai de cho bon Ma Tang nay, lam dai dien cho chung ta???
- Mot lan nua, Tai sao chung ta phai tuc tuoi ra di? Tai sao chung ta phai Vuot Bien?
- ID chinh hieu cua chung ta la gi? REFUGEES, chung ta vi vay phai nhu Viet Cau Tien xua kia, nam gai nem mat, luon tu nhac nho chinh minh, va day do cho con chau cua chung ta ve su TAN AC cua chu nghia Cong San?
- Khong the de bon Cong San nam vung, lua gat niem tin cua chung ta, qua chieu bai TON GIAO van? Ru Ngu HOA BINH?
- Nay kinh trinh, tai lieu duoi day, kinh moi moi nguoi cung tham khao.
----- Original Message -----
From: Take2tango2000@
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 3:31 PM
Nhờ tôn giáo bảo lãnh l cách thức để được đi Mỹ nhanh nhất?
Mục sư Tin L nh tại tiểu bang Washington bị truy tố vì lợi dụng nh thờ bảo lãnh trái phép người v o Mỹ theo diện tôn giáo. gov/pi/news/ newsreleases/ articles/ 061115dc. htm
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
ICE arrests 33 in connection with religious worker visa fraud scheme
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents today arrested 33 individuals in eight states and the District of Columbia in connection with an ongoing investigation into a specific visa fraud scheme that was designed to help large numbers of illegal aliens, primarily from Pakistan , fraudulently obtain religious worker visas to enter or remain in the United States .
ICE agents arrested each of the individuals on administrative immigration violations. The arrests were made by ICE agents in Boston, MA ; New York, NY ; Buffalo, NY ; Hartford, CT ; Atlanta, GA ; St. Paul, MN ; Newark, NJ ; Philadelphia, PA ; Harrisonburg, VA ; and Washington, D.C. Those arrested will be processed for removal proceedings and have an opportunity to appear before an impartial Immigration Judge. Some of those arrested could face criminal prosecution on visa fraud charges.
The multi-year investigation by ICE agents in New York and Boston has revealed that petitioners in the United States filed false applications on behalf of large numbers of illegal aliens under the Religious Worker Program, which is administered by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The illegal aliens paid substantial cash fees to the petitioners to file fraudulent paperwork on their behalf in order to obtain religious worker visas for which they were not eligible.
Under the Religious Worker Program, aliens with religious training and experience can obtain work visas and, ultimately, green cards if religious organizations in the United States , such as churches, synagogues, or mosques, sponsor them. To qualify for the religious worker visas, aliens must, among other things, be in the United States solely for religious employment; must have received a job offer as a religious worker; and must not be working in any secular employment.
ICE has found numerous cases of religious worker visa fraud involving individuals from many different nationalities and religions. Earlier this month, Dong Wan Park , 53, the former pastor of a church in Washington state, appeared in federal court in Tacoma after being deported to the United States to be sentenced for orchestrating a large-scale religious worker visa fraud involving South Korean nationals.
The pastor, a South Korean national, had filed fraudulent applications for South Koreans he claimed were coming to the U.S. to serve as associate pastors at the Hope Korean Church , where he served as pastor. None of the visa applicants was ever employed at the church or had any religious training.
An August 2005 Benefit Fraud Assessment of the religious worker visa program by USCIS found a substantial rate of fraud among applications for such visas. In the report, USCIS surveyed a random sample of 220 religious worker petitions and found indications of fraud in more than 32 percent of the petitions.
ICE is working closely with USCIS, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in this ongoing investigation. USCIS has revoked the visas of each of the beneficiaries of this scheme. This case underscores the success of increased cooperative efforts between ICE and USCIS. Following the creation of the Office of Fraud Detection and National Security, USCIS has become an active partner with ICE supporting investigations of immigration benefit fraud.
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