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The Brink of Madness!

Have you been flamed by the decay of Western society? Do you feel the world is mindlessly eroding at the bedrock of your life? Are you looking for a dark warren to escape the lethal grip of the harrowing illusion we call "reality"?Then, my friend, you have come to the right place! The Brink of Madness is a forum designed as an outlet for the insanity that lurks within us all. And, of course, if you're bored and wanna talk about something, I'd imagine you can talk about that too!

As with any forum, we DO have some rules. Yeah, yeah, Boo, hiss. Shut up and pay attention:
1) Keep Anti-Americanism off the board. No exceptions. The admin doesn't want to hear your bitching about Bush.
2) Keep the insults away too. We're all denizens of lunacy here. What hurts the goose hurts the gaggle, and we'll ban you for that. Then make fun of you, when you can do nothing about it. It is not flattering.

That's all we can think of. Imagine that! Enjoy yourselves!

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  • God damnit, why the hell can't I be GOOD at something?! -- Heroic Aggravation, 20:56:44 07/19/03 Sat
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  • New Forum -- Ouchie, 11:39:43 09/28/04 Tue
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  • Discussion Topic : Marijuana. -- Heroic Cheech, 22:36:58 07/31/03 Thu
  • This is why we can never get anything done. There are two parties - Republican and Conservative. Republicans like the constitution the way it is. However, Democrats, being brainwashed teenagers who cannot think for themselves short of what their tainted college notes say, think they can do a better job.

    http://www.voy.com/101333/24.html (NT) -- Joe Sucks Cock, 17:38:42 09/14/03 Sun
  • Rant : This Online English Composition II Class -- Hero of Time, 13:16:16 09/08/03 Mon
  • Review : Going to clubs... -- Hierophant, 17:30:12 08/04/03 Mon
  • Credit Problems? Refinance today. 4 out of 5 Applicants Get Approved! -- Refinance, 00:20:03 10/06/03 Mon
  • i'm back! good as new and twice as ugly. -- ^Dragon_Lance, 13:25:18 09/30/03 Tue
  • I still cannot, for the LIFE of me, figure out why everything is centered. I've done a lot of screwing around with coding and options, as is obvious by there being a lack of a TABLE arround the posting box. I might just start a new forum, but that's a lot of settings to reset and everything. :-( (NT) -- Hero of Time, 20:03:32 09/15/03 Mon
  • Cassie's writing class had an assignment to make up a monster of some sort. She asked me to do it. So heres what I came up with... -- Hierophant, 21:47:24 09/14/03 Sun
  • *I* have an idea. Make a new board, lol. Its clear this one got fubar'd during the changed voy was making. If you don't want to, hell I'll do it. But it'd be muc heasier for you with your website and all. (NT) -- Hierophant, 22:53:57 09/12/03 Fri
  • I have to reply to your post in a NEW thread. Voy.com says that post doesn't exist, and can't reply. AND, this is Voy's doing, this center-business. I worked all day, fixing shit they managed to warp. For example, the messages were reversed, not to mention that it was taking us to archives instead of the recent posts. Now there are gaps betwixt them, and a center tag I can't get rid of. That's IF your lucky enough to get voy.com to LOAD, BTW. (NT) -- Vexed Hero, 08:07:08 09/12/03 Fri
  • So uhhhhhhh, which HTML genious forgot to close the center tag? lol. Actually , it could just be voy acting like a slut again. (NT) -- Hierophant, 22:14:44 09/11/03 Thu
  • You know, I’m sorta in one of those moods again, where nothing really seems appealing. I don’t feel like playing Age of Empires or Dragonball Z, nor do I feel like doing any school-work, or watching any movies, or any other stuff I generally enjoy doing. This time, however, I believe it’s a good thing. -- Sappy Hero of Time, 20:15:22 09/09/03 Tue
  • Something that aggrivates the FUCK out of me...... -- Hierophant, 16:33:41 09/05/03 Fri
  • There may be a reason for the board's perpetual unpopularity... -- The Great Hero of Time, 09:28:59 09/05/03 Fri
  • dragon_lance is gone....Larry, Robert, and Joe are gone...Jessa's gone...now I just need to kill Aj and Shaun, and my vengeance shall be complete! (NT) -- Vetrinus Taleshire, 08:22:06 08/30/03 Sat
  • HEY!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!?? Is that a JESUS FISH being used as a damn PAC-MAN?! BASTARD! (NT) -- Archangel Sangraal, 08:22:50 08/30/03 Sat
  • A quick half-ass movie review: Final Destination 2 -- Hierophant, 21:21:59 08/31/03 Sun
  • My review of The Lord of the Rings, Two Towers.... -- Hierophant, 20:34:26 08/29/03 Fri
  • Think other countries like us? Check Robert's reponse to Joe's rediculous post..... -- Hero of Time, 23:11:13 08/28/03 Thu
  • Here's a handout I received in my American Government class, which I thought was quite cool..... -- Hero of Time, 23:03:54 08/28/03 Thu
  • Look what I got to do in Myrtle Beach!!!!!!!! -- Hierophant, 14:22:39 08/27/03 Wed
  • Something rather amusing, and at the same time disturbing, stemming from a conversation with the females at Burger King the other day... -- Carbon-dated Hero, 08:48:13 08/26/03 Tue
  • Reposting from Joe : "The Blood-Bangle Banner" -- Hero of Time Hates Joe, 08:07:58 08/26/03 Tue
  • The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers, comes out tomorrow. I am quite thirlled. :-) (NT) -- Ecstatic Hero, 22:17:34 08/25/03 Mon
  • The Liberal Agenda, even in my own little community college. -- Seraph Pendragon, 22:06:16 08/25/03 Mon
  • I bid farewell for a week or so... -- Hierophant, 12:30:28 08/20/03 Wed
  • A couple Ideas of mine. -- Hierophant, 21:55:12 08/19/03 Tue
  • Hm.....perhaps "Shaun" and "techno" aren't meant to be....as much as I enjoy listening, I don't seem to do a noteworthy job of composing. Perhaps experience will nullify that someday! -- Heroic Techno Remix, 22:22:04 08/15/03 Fri
  • It's times like these, staring into the board's background mindlessly, that I begin to suspect that I can no longer turn my back on Pendragon. The rigors of fast food resturaunts must have somehow


    his mind.


    HE'S GOT THE...........SPACE............MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (NT)
    -- Archangel Sane-graal, 20:26:10 08/15/03 Fri
  • *Patiently waiting for his very own review on his music* BTW Shaun, I have 2 new songs already :) Got new loops! *and* ordered a disc of them. 450 on it, lol. (NT) -- Hierophant, 16:01:32 08/13/03 Wed
  • Rant : Good Ole' Anti-War Protestors. -- Hero of Time, 09:53:42 08/15/03 Fri
  • Wow, never realised how much I depend on electricity, lol. -- Hierophant, 22:31:21 08/10/03 Sun
  • Here's a question, feel free to answer in a metaphor and elaborate and stuff:

    What is love to you?
    -- Heroic Affection, 21:24:24 08/11/03 Mon
  • Mild Rant : I got my American National Government book for college, and thought I'd share a paragraph I read... -- Hero of Time, 18:48:00 08/11/03 Mon
  • Rant: Am I fucking married!?!?!?! -- Hierophant, 22:43:58 08/10/03 Sun
  • Hm......nothing better to do than share thoughts on the ole' board. I figure I can post anything, and nobody would ever know. -- Hero of Time, 23:19:46 08/09/03 Sat
  • Preliminary Review : Zone of the Enders 2 : The 2nd Runner, for PS2 -- Hero of Time, 20:56:51 08/06/03 Wed
  • LOL. A stupid story I had read in the paper today.. -- Hierophant, 14:47:25 08/06/03 Wed
  • I do, of course, blame the degrade of the human being (as a species, now) solely on the mating habits of the teenage mind, particularly the females. -- Vetrinus Taleshire, 23:30:58 08/02/03 Sat
  • I myself just watched Dare Devil, Shaun's already done his write up on it, so here's my little "out of ten" thingy... -- Hierophant, 14:37:17 08/02/03 Sat
  • Review : Daredevil -- Hero of Time, 20:52:20 07/29/03 Tue
  • Blonde Joke -- Jessa, 23:47:22 07/31/03 Thu
  • Rant : I can't believe these guys. I've seen some harrowing stuff, but these two always take the taco... -- Hero of Time, 20:25:06 08/02/03 Sat
  • While i'm waiting for the most AWESOME quake model to download (60mb) i'm gonna make up another poem -- Hierophant, 19:28:34 07/31/03 Thu
  • Rant : More on Joe (say it fast....."Moron Joe" *LOL*) the Pedophile, now. -- Heroic Pedophilia, 22:19:34 07/31/03 Thu
  • While i'm waiting for the most AWESOME quake model to download (60mb) i'm gonna make up another poem -- Hierophant, 19:29:27 07/31/03 Thu
  • Ever get some, like, rash, and never know WHERE you got it? That's about what I've got now.... -- Heroic Epidermal Irritation, 22:56:02 07/27/03 Sun
  • For the next few days i'm going to bless you all with "Aj's poem of the day" I came across my poem bok from a creative writting class. Here's todays: -- Hierophant, 17:06:31 07/29/03 Tue
  • Shaun, I'm here for the first and last time.... -- Robert, 15:14:54 07/29/03 Tue
  • I'm bored so I'm gonna write a poem real quick of the top of my head....here goes. -- Hierophant, 16:59:18 07/29/03 Tue
  • God! I had one of those spontanious nose bleeds tonight -- Hierophant, 22:40:23 07/27/03 Sun
  • Whoa! Check out what I can do with this gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Hierophant, 23:26:37 07/26/03 Sat
  • MUAHAHA! A brilliant idea!! -- Hierophant, 17:51:34 07/26/03 Sat
  • Rant : Goddamn Germans are still jealous cuz we kicked their asses... -- Hero of Time, 16:23:30 07/25/03 Fri
  • Allow me to bring the old political debate back to life just a moment... -- Hero of Time, 18:50:51 07/23/03 Wed

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