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Date Posted: 22:57:03 07/24/03 Thu
Author: Hierophant
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Subject: dude its all part of growing up. Take my dad, for instance..
In reply to: Heroic Misdirection 's message, "*LOL*" on 23:22:54 07/23/03 Wed

Cop for 25 years, retired luitenant. Honorably discharged from air force in vietnam with a silver heart, now works a very good state job for highway safety. You know him, model citizen, great dad, great person, active in community, etc. Great stature in the public and state as well! He practically has red carpets rolled out for him at other police departments.

Would you believe he was arrested at 17? would you believe he got about 30 tickets in one year? or that he got drunk and threw bottles at his school? or smoke since he was 15, stole a military jeep? forged commands while in the military? He was *worse* then anyone we know.

What i'm saying is its part of growing up. The people you least expect to be succesful always are. Look at Josh Pohl, remember that stoner? Now hes got a great family, two jobs and going to school for dentistry.

You get where i'm going with this.

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