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Date Posted: 20:52:20 07/29/03 Tue
Author: Hero of Time
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Subject: Review : Daredevil

Another Marvel comic book hero brought to the silver screen. Some would groan, some would revel. I'm a denizen of the latter here. Look at the comic-based movies we've had: Blade was good, as was Blade 2; X-Men was good, and its sequel too is great; there's of course all the Batman movies, which were enjoyable, and Superman was popular way back then...so now there's Daredevil and the Hulk. I haven't seen Hulk, so let's focus on Daredevil.

It's about a boy brought up in "Hell's Kitchen"...apparently not the place you'd wanna live in. Without disparaging details of the movie, I WILL say that he ends up getting some wild chemicals in his eyes...he loses sight, but his other senses function superhumanly. His hearing gives him a sort of radar with sound...his touch sense gives him awesome balance and strength. So there you go.

The movie is great, action is rather quick and violent. Unlike other superheroes, Daredevil CAN be hurt, and can get hit in fights. He's a tough guy though, naturally. Watching his "second sight"...the radar sense...is really cool too. He meets up with Electra...who can apparently fight as well as he can, and you've probably seen that in the previews.

To understand the badguys, one would probably have to read the comics. I didn't, so the appearance of some fag named Bullseye (I called him "Bullshit") just seems kinda...out of place.

I think the movie is great though. Pretty violent for a comic hero, but good! 8/10 I think is a good number. Some parts REALLY pissed me off, mostly concerning Electra and what happens to her, but that's me. Rent it. Or die. Whichever works for you.

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