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Date Posted: 20:25:06 08/02/03 Sat
Author: Hero of Time
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Subject: Rant : I can't believe these guys. I've seen some harrowing stuff, but these two always take the taco...

"Date Posted: 05:04:40 08/02/03 Sat
Author: Robert
Author Host/IP: host093025.phil.uni-erlangen.de /
Subject: You're just 18 - I thought you're older, according to your Liberal Manifesto etc. I never encountered any not even 18 year old who would have been able to write this - including me :) ...
In reply to: Joe Taylor 's message, "Something about sex..." on 10:59:59 07/31/03 Thu

I guess over here it's pretty much like Dianimal tells for Canada, and handled this way it's ok. After all it's meant to protect children from sexual abuse, not to prevent youths from having sex, that's their own business.

Part of the problem are the religous fundamentalists with their 'sex is dirty stuff' idiocy - preferably if not married - who try to make their personal biases common law. Another part originates from cultural development. In former cultures people became full members of society at 16 or even earlier, when they were able to handle their own lives. Development however significantly increased the time of learning, additionally school usually is pretty much a out off reality sphere. Reverse aspect is acceleration, people grow up faster nowadays for various reasons than in former times.
Another problem is that children still are quite a bit rated as private property, combined with disrespecting them as individualities of their own. That's decreasing however. Growing up is a process of increasing autonomy, this should be aided, not restricted.

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[> [> You're flattering me... -- Joe Taylor, 11:32:06 08/02/03 Sat (NoHost/

...and you're absolutely right about children being regarded as private property. Below are a few of suggestiosn that either have surfaced or are supported right now only in the USA:
- Giving parents additional votes according to the number of children they have
- Stricter parental control on children's internet and TV access
- The "it doesn't take a village to raise a child, only two [dysfunctional] parents" mantra
- The drinking age in the USA being 21
- The age of consent in the USA being 18 except in a handful of states (ironically Texas is one of them; its age of consent is 16/18, i.e. statutory rape occurs when one partner is 18 or more and the other is less than 16)
- The whole family values and parents' rights slogans that the Religious Reich campaigns on"

While kids having sex is their 'own' business, I think it's rather sad too see 15 year olds with toddlers running around them calling them "mommy". It's no smalls secret that teen mothers are severly hampered for both school and jobs.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: kids can NOT think for themselves. That's why they can't vote. Adults will dupe kids in every test you try. Teenagers are worse, as they develop sexuality and just fuck whatever they see with two legs, sometimes without. Give them something with alcohol, and they'll suck it down. Everyone else in the room is smoking? Shit, give them a lighter and they'll light up as well. They do what everyone else is doing. They can't think for themselves. Once they get jobs, they finally start using that gray stuff in their skull. By the time they graduate, which ironically is 18, they've usually developed a sense of individuality, and with any luck, morality.

This is the problem with these Leftist fanatics like Robert, Joe, and Larry. The Left is on the opposite end of the spectrum from "moral". They want abortion legalized. Don't want that kid? Sleeping around while you're still an 8th grader? Get the kid aborted. IT'S ALL GOOD. What's that? You wanna drink? What'll it me, man? Oh, you wanna do him up the ass? It's cool, I'm gay too. Go for it...freedom and all that!

I'm gonna go about compiling a list of what they do and don't approve of...you'll see that if machines took over and ruled us brutally, you'd basically have a Liberal environment.

Children are 'rated' as private property because they essentially are. They completely rely on parents. Ergo, the parents will decide what is right for them, not the children themselves. How many habits do you have (or not have now) because of your parents? When you look back at some of the things you did and wanted as a kid, you'll see just how stupid they are.

Can you imagine how much porn a kid would access if it was legal? Jesus man, I'd have been all over that. Can you imagine, if there was no age limit, everyone sitting down to some erotic porn movie on family movie night? Doesn't that seem a little wrong?

I forget where I was going with this, as I just took fifteen minutes away in the middle of typing to talk to the parents. But GOD I hate these two. And to think, people like these run the universities...people like these are vieing for President. It completely haunts me.

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