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Date Posted: 23:30:58 08/02/03 Sat
Author: Vetrinus Taleshire
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Subject: I do, of course, blame the degrade of the human being (as a species, now) solely on the mating habits of the teenage mind, particularly the females.

And since I've seen FAR more generations than you ever will, my points cannot be contested.

You see, every animal on this planet has the instinct of carrying on the strongest genes from its species. Ergo, males will fight, and sometimes even females will duel, for a chance to mate. This ensures that the stronger being passes on its genes. Human beings, however, break this flawless procedure. Instead, mates are chosen solely on glamour. Females look for the male with the best looking chest, and the same is true conversly. Ergo, the most attractive human beings are the ones mating.

While this answer functions, it is also fundementally flawed, thus created the otherwise contradictory 'genetic anomaly', that if left unchecked might threaten the species at large. The flaw is inherent in EVERY human being to pamper glamour. The beautiful are given wealth and power, and an easy life. The hideous are thrown to the wayside. Ergo, the pampered, easy-living, weak genes will be passed on, and hard-working, adaptive genes will not.

Ergo, human society is like a freight train running on the same track as failure. The flaw is to the extent that even the most proposterous sexual mentionings take a higher meaning. This meaning is most predictably found in humor. A great many creators of fine arts and works will fall into the shadow of a profoundly amusing, slapstick, sexual humor video.

Oh, examples....let's see...I'll bet you've all seen "American Pie" and its rediculous sequel. Have you seen the Green Mile? I'll bet you've watched Scary Movie and its pitiful conclusion...have you read Dante's Inferno? Or the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Edgar Allen Poe's the Cask of Amontillado? How about The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer? Plato's Allegory of the Cave? Romeo and Juliet? How about The Meditations, by Marcus Aurilius? Who was he? Oh, just an emporer of Rome, that's all.

And the common excuse is that the works are 'boring'. Which is true...in a sense. I found each and every one to be fascinating, a veritable fountain of learning with each turn of the page. Teenagers today will look for nude pictures.

Consider, next time you just have to check out that tight ass, just how primitive a being you truly are. Compare yourself to an animal. Think of how you would describe your actions online to a council of world leaders. Imagine you're some alien watching your behavior and trying to discern its meaning. Think on a level above that of where your penis points, and realize how truly pitiful your worthless race has become.

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