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Date Posted: 17:30:12 08/04/03 Mon
Author: Hierophant
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Subject: Review : Going to clubs...

I never really wanted to go to any clubs, unless they were techno/trance clubs. Well the nearest techno club is like 70 miles away from me. There's a popular club called "Club 66" about 15 miles from me. Its mostly a country club but thursday nights are deemed "Party Nights" where a local DJ and radio station team together to form a nothing but the latest rap and such.

So I finally went last thursday night. I was mildy surprised! Its was a hella lot more fun then I had thought. When walking in your instantly blasted by music from the dance floor, and you see some people chillen at the front bar, you walk through some doors to the main area wheres theres people chillen at tables just drinkin and laughing. As you make your way to the dance floor...its PACKED full of people just dancing/grindin away to , for example, the song "Right Thurr" by Chingy. Now, I couldn't help but notice the huge amount of relativly damn good lookin girls, number probably exceeding 100, lol. Then you can't help but notice the large percentage of the attendance being thugs from Kansas City, etc. Just don't stare at them and its all good! They really bring the place to life. It basically looks like a rap video, people dancing like crazy, people dancing on stage with the thugs up front lip singin the song as though they were puttin on a concert. The environment is just...odd. Its stunning, to say the least. Your instantly drawn to it. After talkin to some buddies I couldn't help but grab a girl I knew and dance for awhile. Defenitly fun!

Needless to say, it was much more then I expected. I'll defenitly be attending more often. Another neat feature of this place were the bouncers and door guys. 6 foot tall black dudes who's arms were the equivilant to my head. They shuffle you along and yell at you if your not paying attention to the line moving. One dude walked up get in who appearantly had a gang related necklace on. The bouncer got in his face and was like "If you don't take that shit of before going into my club i'm gonna mess you up" and all that. It was cool, lol.

It was awesome fun!

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