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Date Posted: 22:06:16 08/25/03 Mon
Author: Seraph Pendragon
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Subject: The Liberal Agenda, even in my own little community college.

Here's one of my latest assignments for my online English Composition II course. Feel free to hum this along to the tune of Pachelbel's Canon or something.

"Unit 1, Assignment 3 (1_3)
Considering other Perspectives (10 points)

Valuing diversity is one of the five goals the SFCC general education core classes are designed to help students meet. The evaluation essay you will be developing in the next few weeks is an assignment that emphasizes the significance of this goal.

1. Access the site http://www.indivisible.org/gallery.htm which provides some insight into a few of the many groups embraced by our American culture.

2. Select at least three of the sub-cultures featured in this site by clicking on the pictures and study the articles, the interviews and video clips. (Note: If you have not done so already, you will need to download Real Player for the audio features to work.)

3. Identify five sub-cultures (they do not have to be featured on the site) that you have either experienced or observed in the United States or on a trip abroad. Using your word-processing program, write a one-to-three sentence description of each for a maximum of ten points.

4. Submit this assignment to the Digital Drop Box. Due Tues., Sept. 2."

Because this is my board, I'm just gonna scream a little. I wanted to send this to the course discussion board, but a) this is much easier to use, and b) I'll probably be burned in effigy. I might just provide some classmates and the instructor with the link. After all, they can't censor my foul language here. *GRIN*

I've always had a problem with diversity. But let me make one thing clear : I am NOT (to an extent where it matters) racist. I've nothing against people of other races. Some of the most interesting people I've met were black, or Hispanic, or just about any other "race" you can fathom. The point is, the OTHER interesting people I've met were all "white".

I just deleted about a thousand paragraphs, as I realized I strayed from diversity and went off on racism. I'll promise to behave.

I don't think it kills anything to leave diversity well enough alone. Why can't we talk about, say, white people every now and then? So many white college kids walk out of the campus with a degree, and scream when they see a mirror, thinking they saw a ghost looking back at them. To me, such a thing is brainwashing. We could always, you know, talk about the greatness of our country, instead of talking up other ones.

With that in mind, this assignment smacks of futility for me. I don't care about other "sub-cultures". I am quite comfortable in mind, and assignments like this are means to convert me to some new sort of lifestyle that I don't want. I like Christmas over, say, Kwanza or whatever it's called. Or Hanukah, or however you spell that. Or God-knows what else other people do. I don't care to learn right now. If I take a trip to Japan, I'll look their culture up a bit, and then just wing it. That's the FUN of going to a different country is that you don't know what the hell you should be doing. I went to Cozumel, and was able to get along nicely, as I had a basic understanding of Spanish. It's all I needed. People helped me along, and were nice, in the sort of way you try and be nice to some Greek guy on vacation in your town. But if I AM going to learn about other cultures, I'd rather it be a voluntary decision. I am a sentient life form capable of extremely complex cognitive reasoning, and I can pursue knowledge at my heart's content, such as my American status bestows upon me. I don't want or need some liberal university-gang telling me to accept the life of a country I'll never go to.

Diversity classes, and learning about sub-cultures, fails to understand that those who are "embraced by our American culture" act the same way I do. There are exceptions, but those are THEIR business.

I don't know where I'm going with this. I saw that bit about valuing diversity and KNEW I'd have to rant about it. It's like this: it's not the place of colleges to instill values. I'll decide if I'm going to respect Hispanic culture on my own, thank you.

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