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Date Posted: 23:11:13 08/28/03 Thu
Author: Hero of Time
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Subject: Think other countries like us? Check Robert's reponse to Joe's rediculous post.....

"but areen't YOU the Americans? You're able to stop it at any time. You're still abble to elect your government - dunno how long this may last - but currently it's still possible.

I guess development of next time will be that the US will try to establish zheir empire. However they already have problems to control some third world countries. Obviously they've reached their peak of power. It will not be easy to make them stop the shit, maybe it will require a war, but definitely in hundred years the US dominance will be history."


Joe is an American. Unfortunately, he is a spawn of California, which means he burns flags and hates the privilages he's given.

There's that empire shit again. Good Lord.

We don't have problems controlling them. We have problems protecting them from their rediculous selves.

I don't think stepping in when people are getting fucking TORTURED for no real reason by a regime a BAD thing. Consider you're walking home, and see some guy beating the shit out of another guy with a 2x4. In this example, you would be like the US if you interfere and save the guy. Witnesses suspect you simply wanted the guy's money ("oil"), and the attacker sues you because you used to much force to stop him. The victim, however, is naturally incredibly grateful. While he's not afraid of death itself, getting BEATEN with a fucking 2X4 is not a pleasant thing.

Or, you could be, say, EVERY OTHER NATION, and keep walking. Or you could be France, and come over and watch.

Let's redefine "shit" here.

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