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Date Posted: 21:47:24 09/14/03 Sun
Author: Hierophant
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Subject: Cassie's writing class had an assignment to make up a monster of some sort. She asked me to do it. So heres what I came up with...


For centuries the pitiful and quite sickening human race has searched for alien life forms. However, for many years this filthy planet of filth has had its fair share of unexplained deaths. Just how is it possible to drop your best friend off at his house and return 10 minutes later only to find a grotesque scene of human remains strewn upon the house? Of course, police and detectives alike simply insist it was a homicide. But when there is no murder weapon present and the body is missing key organs like, oh say�..the brain�.why not look further then just a human killer? Never once has it struck the human civilization that these deaths could be more then just another murder.
Many stink pigs, I mean humans, are able to detect when another person is present in a room, if not by seeing or smelling, then by the change in the air pressure. You can feel the air move accordingly as it pushed forward by the entering entity of filth and bile. However, many humans have also felt the same sensation while lying in bed at night or when home alone. So what caused the air pressure to change in the room? Using the latest and most superior in inter-galactic cloaking technology, Damaskinos has adopted the ability to roam freely throughout Earth. So who is Damaskinos? Allow me to explain.
Far, but really not to far, away exists a plant this is inhabited by an indeed superior species. Advances in technology and abundant amounts of plutonium, uranium, and oil allow this species unlimited research and building capabilities. The NASA pork cows, who have successfully identified the planet but yet has failed to find the alien species, has dubbed the planet �Reap�. The Reapers, as many call them, have built their civilization under its enormous clouds of mysterious gases, as perhaps to hide some sort of doomsday device. Of course, that�s just a speculation. The Reapers have pretty much kept to themselves. Many of the local UFO sightings have often been thought to be a Reaper ship but there has been no conformation. Whoever is reading this ingenious paper can see pictures taken by nasty citizens by visiting the web site who�s address is typed ever so clearly at the end of this most amazing paper. Through these pictures you can see the incredibly amazing advancement these creatures hold. The Reapers are probably evolved from their very own big bang theory. Just as Earth they have a criminal justice system for misbehaved Reapers. When one Reaper, Damaskinos, escaped from his plasmatic cell he stole a ship and headed to Earth for cover.
Damaskinos� appearance is hard to accurately determine. He is often invisible to the human eye through his cloaking technology. There have been few people who have seen him. At a height of approximately 7�6 he really shouldn�t be hard to miss. A dark green skin will quickly fade into the black of night, rendering any distinction of nature and beast. His brownish cloak is believed to be the key to his cloaking abilities. Imagine that. He is believed to breath typical insanely contaminated human air. With the lack of eyes the CIA has come to a government decision, which was concurred by Russia, that the Reaper cannot see. The human diplomats and other such bloodsuckers believe he uses the same method bats use to get around, the almost sonar type device module key padded board thingy system. Other then that, there really is no good description of Damaskinos.
For the everyday ball of germs human, the threat posed by Damaskinos could be compared to a beetle wielding a toothpick. Many tree-hugging psychos, a.k.a. Democrats, believe there can be a common bond and friendship that may perhaps derive out of contact with Damaskinos. For the masses, however, there would be no guarantee. Little do the Earth people thingies know, Damaskinos is a cold-blooded killer. A few years ago, the CIA seized a house believed to have harbored Damaskinos. As they interrogated the homeowner, Clinton, they proceeded to search the home. Clinton denied having sexual relations with the Reaper, yet he was never asked if he did. They found multiple gray cylinders approximately the size of a trashcan. After hours of debate, it was determined the button labeled �Push to Open� was how in fact they were going to breach one of the cylinders. Inside the cylinder they found a maze of wires that were subtly attached to a pink ball of goo. It was soon determined it was actually a human brain. From what the researchers found, they determined the brain was still alive and well. The wires were apparently used to harvest any knowledge the poor human had. Throughout the world mixed opinions of Damaskinos have sparked the Reapers interests in the human race. Mixed opinion = Debates = More intense searches for facts. Because of the recent publicity Damaskinos has set out to put his name along side infamy. Fear has been the humans� strongest and most persuading emotion through their entire miserable existence. Damaskinos will probably use this to his advantage. If humans are scared, they will bother no more to find him. How he will achieve this is unknown. One can only assume there will soon be a series of massacres so vile and rueful humans will wet themselves. Then we can make fun of them when they can do nothing about it. It won�t be flattering.

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