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Subject: ~Return~

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Date Posted: 18:25:04 11/21/02 Thu

~Silver steed enters land at canter silver banner floating out behind him. Halting step as he rears up slightly dail tilted back, bugles cry to his beloved herd annonying return. He lands nares dialte as two scents fill nares, one an old scent from the past the other a new one, muscles tense in preperation for steed. Relaxed as scent gives that o'vixen upon the harrem. He rears up once more annoucing return before leaping forth unto a gallop to see Blaze whom bares their last foal. He slows to a walk before seeing her and WABL, dail dipped towards both of them orbs shine brightly he remembered WABL from times a past. He smiles softly before kissing Blaze gently upon forehead and nuzzling rounded belly protectivly. He looks unto her orbs shining bright with love. He reaches forth to WABL remembering his manners which had felating him during coltish moment as he nuzzles her side freindly and whickers softly. Dail raised once more as he moves slightly from group and calls them forth including the new mare upon his land, for he wished to see her self for she would be made welcome, to either join the herd or rest & stay till time came when she wished to venture forth. He turns back to the two mares and smiles happily before returning to Blazes side like a nervous young stallion whom is expecting first borne unlike the aged stallion whom is having last borne with she is first mare, whom he lost yet found again..~

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*whickers a greeting happily*WABL01:29:18 11/22/02 Fri

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