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Subject: The NBA Play-In Tournament Format

An Observer
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Date Posted: 20:13:58 04/16/24 Tue

Count me among those who were against a season-ending Ivy basketball tournament. But if we're going to hold one, let's do it the best way possible, including the consideration of less traditional formats.

I'm impressed with the NBA's (somewhat) recent introduction of the Play-In Tournament. For those who don't follow "the association," the long-standing format was the top eight finishers in each of the two conferences enter a 1-8, 2-7, 3-6 and 4-5 elimination tournament.

The Play-In Tournament first pits the 7 finisher against the 8. The 9 finisher plays 10.

The quirk is that the winner of 7-8 immediately enters the main field as the 7 seed. The loser of 7-8 then plays the winner of 9-10, the loser of which gets their golf clubs out and heads to the links.

So the advantage of finishing either 7 or 8 is that you only have to win one game to make the main field, while the 9-10 finishers have to win two. Clever.

It keeps the teams motivated near the end of the season not to finish 9 or 10.

Is there a lesson that we can learn here?

First, as I've said many times, the "genius" of our format is that *NOT* everybody makes the field. Kudos for our coaches who just don't open the door wide, as in virtually every other conference.

What else can we or should we do to reward the top seeds?

Separately, take a look at perhaps the best column ever published in an Ivy League student newspaper:


Most of the eight Ivy newspapers would not have the guts to print this.

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[> Subject: Re: The NBA Play-In Tournament Format

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Date Posted: 07:05:29 04/17/24 Wed

But you missed the point of the play-in tourney...

To give MORE teams the opportunity to qualify.

By this thinking, the league should qualify the top 2 then let 3-4 and 5-6 battle it out for the bottom seeds.

Could you imagine what would happen on this board if Columbia had qualified to play at home in that manner?

Not to mention the silly league tiebreak procedures that would have been used to separate 2 from 3?
[> [> Subject: Re: The NBA Play-In Tournament Format

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Date Posted: 10:30:42 04/17/24 Wed

Would be exceedingly awkward in men’s lax, going through a round robin to eliminate one team.

The question of the laughable (pathetic?) prescheduled basketball locations is a separate level of hell — ooooops — discussion.

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