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Subject: Ivy Sports/ The Portal/ Slots/Backlash

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Date Posted: 10:06:41 04/23/24 Tue

Getting into any IL school is incredibly difficult.

Recruited athletes who meet the A1 index are admitted early under a different academic standard.
There are a certain number of reserved slots for each team.

A year or two later a slotted athlete enters the portal and leaves.

Yes... but
Real bad optics.

For those non recruited students this is a WTF moment and potentially this transfer portal roulette will come back to haunt the league in terms of recruiting slots.

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[> Subject: Re: Ivy Sports/ The Portal/ Slots/Backlash

Go Green
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Date Posted: 10:11:57 04/23/24 Tue

My understanding is that if a coach uses an admission slot for a kid, but the kid ends up not playing for whatever reason (quits, injury, grades, etc.), that's tough luck for the coach. The slot is gone forever.

I can only assume that the same will apply for when a slotted athlete leaves via the portal.
[> Subject: Re: Ivy Sports/ The Portal/ Slots/Backlash

Memphis Bill
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Date Posted: 10:12:53 04/23/24 Tue

Agree that this is another aspect of the Brave New World we are in that is sub-optimal (i.e., it sucks). One mitigating factor, from the perspective of the student who got into Ivy U without benefit of a sports slot, is the fact that Ivy Coaches cannot replace a player lost to the Portal with another player admitted via admissions slot. Another example of how disadvantageous the Portal is to our League, we lose some of our best talent, and cannot replace that loss in any way.
[> Subject: Re: Ivy Sports/ The Portal/ Slots/Backlash

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Date Posted: 10:31:59 04/23/24 Tue

Given the somewhat closed universe of Ivy recruiting, I’m wondering whether some B-level recruits may now tend to go for the Ivy they prefer as opposed to the one where they think they’ll have the best chance to play, which now is much tougher to divine.
[> [> Subject: Re: Ivy Sports/ The Portal/ Slots/Backlash

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Date Posted: 11:15:47 04/23/24 Tue

Rather than get into a sentence-by-sentence deconstruction of the Bari Weiss universe, let’s just say that Joisey, which since time immemorial has exported more students than any other state — not %, numbers, more bodies than either New York or California, for example — has been sending kids west, south, north, and east for many decades. The idea it’s much better publicized now is all to the good, because they should go where they fit, not where they or their parents live, or THINK they should want to go.

The idea that this will have any discernable effect on the Ivies in the near future is a misguided fallback on the idea that there is some magic list of 2000 students that compose an ideal Harvard class (for example). In fact, the ideal class is one of thousands of selections of 2000 of the 25,000 fully-qualified applicants. There have been 10-20% of admittees who have been turning down Harvard forever, and it’s part of the game.
[> Subject: Re: Ivy Sports/ The Portal/ Slots/Backlash

Ivy Inquisitor
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Date Posted: 00:30:37 04/25/24 Thu

I believe football is allotted two spots for “lower” academic bands. Recruits make a four year pledge to the sport. Obliviously no way bound to that pledge. Prior to COVID 30% of Ivy athletes don’t play for four years. Some have cited lack of institutional and student body support, rigorous athletic routine, academics and other extracurricular pursuits. I’ve never heard of Ivy intuitions not interested in walk ons.

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