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Subject: Re: Danny Wolf commits to Michigan

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Date Posted: 14:08:04 04/25/24 Thu
In reply to: Ed S. 's message, "Danny Wolf commits to Michigan" on 15:08:30 04/20/24 Sat

Dartmouth ain't Columbia and vice versa. Virtually anybody can walk in off Broadway or Amsterdam onto the main campus at Columbia. You've got to drive six hours into the sticks to get to Dartmouth from Manhattan. Not casting aspersions, just pointing out the obvious. Virtually every major elite university is now going through this.

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[> Subject: Re: Danny Wolf commits to Michigan

John Harvard (Portal Transfers)
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Date Posted: 10:14:36 04/26/24 Fri

I think we are being a bit shortsighted and perhaps elitist if we argue that Wolf should have stayed for a Yale education/degree or that Mack should have done the same at Harvard.

Assuming their families were each paying (in full or in part) and that the NIL is around $250K/yr as rumored in Mack's situation, these players will benefit financially to the tune of over $300,000 per year. That's almost a million for Mack and $700,000 for Wolf. In exchange, they get fine educations at Georgetown and Michigan. Although academic students don't usually choose those schools over Harvard/Yale, athletes almost always do. Thus, they are both making normal and logical choices PLUS realizing a payoff on their decisions while still in college while increasing the likelihood of having a basketball career after graduation.

No brainer and, honestly, it's rather pompous of us to see it otherwise. Also, if they care, they can always seek a degree from HBS and/or Harvard/Yale Law Schools if so inclined.
[> [> Subject: Re: Danny Wolf commits to Michigan

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Date Posted: 13:09:31 04/26/24 Fri

Well stated, agree 100%. Oakland University's top frontcourt player is transferring to Arizona for a shot at the bra$$ ring and to experience major college basketball's facilities, coaching, private jet travel, all the bells and whistles plus the adulation of thousands of fans at each home game.
[> [> Subject: Re: Danny Wolf commits to Michigan

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Date Posted: 15:04:02 05/01/24 Wed

It's a big risk, IMO. They're both long shots for the NBA, whereas neither was a "long shot" to graduate from two of the greatest schools in the country where there first job would earn them six figures right off the bat.

And sorry but I don't see either in the NBA.
[> [> [> Subject: Re: Danny Wolf commits to Michigan

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Date Posted: 18:37:47 05/01/24 Wed

But how about improving enough to earn a nice contract to play a few seasons in Europe?
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Danny Wolf commits to Michigan

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Date Posted: 12:52:45 05/08/24 Wed

Feel like that could've been accomplished in the Ivy League.
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Danny Wolf commits to Michigan

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Date Posted: 14:53:02 05/08/24 Wed

Not a chance. Competing against the centers of Columbia, Dartmouth, Penn and Harvard v competing against the centers of Purdue, Ohio State, Indiana, et al. Which forces you to get better? How many Ivy Leaguers are making big money playing basketball right now?

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