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Subject: YOU

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Date Posted: 10:35:53 10/12/03 Sun


I first wanted to let you know that you are a sweetheart and you have been on this long path to greatness for over 10 years now. I foreseen this day when you would get your chance to step to the forefront. Your writing skills are second to none and your voice speaks for itself. You are a shining star and with all you have been thru I smile everytime I see and "Think About You". I've been feenin' since way back in the day when you used to make Demos ie. "You Give Good Love" in the Galleria (yeah i remember that), and of course your Mini-Concerts at the building on some of them late nites. You really deserve all your success. After not seeing you perform live for awhile then seeing you at Soul Cafe then after reading your Discography who is better than you? Not to mention the BabyBoy Sndtrk. You really killed that. I can see Im about to get more long winded than I already am so I will wind it up with this. Good Luck in all that you do and NEVER lose focus. Prayer and Meditation will keep you at Peace. We Pray to ask the creator for guidance we must Meditate to get that response. Stay surrounded with loving people and keep your heart filled with Love. With that you will never be lost or led astray. If you need me for ANYTHING I will be right there. Peace and much Love. Nick

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