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Subject: hi ms. adams

ferd mann
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Date Posted: 01:28:01 12/13/03 Sat

i am from brooklyn but i go to college in jersey city, NJ. i am an upcoming rapper that has appreciation for any type of music whether it is hip hop or R&B. i became infatuated, literally, with that song you did off that baby boy soundtrack "you". i did not even hear the whole song when i first heard it in the movie. but for the 10 seconds i did hear it in the movie, i instantly fell in love with it. i was hoping that if you heard a version i did to it you might let me sample it. i used your same hook and your bridge. i just put two heart warming verses in it. i know you have that song on your upcoming album, but since your just starting to get international attention, making a rap version of it can get you more exposure and i PROMISE you will like what did to it. Ms.Adams please!!!! i am young and just doing whatever i can to please the people and with a track like that, it can make the song grow that much more. i mean it worked with Eminem and Dido (Stan). i am getting a great from people i let hear it. a lot of people i know that listen to rap don't know that song but when what i did to it they automatically star to FEEL it.i can e- mail the song to you if you'd like. i have an 19 tracks recorded. if you could get back to me as soon as possible it would be very appreciative. thanks.

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