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Subject: " to THE STAR of the family"

Deneen Canty
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Date Posted: 16:38:51 02/18/04 Wed

Well, Well, Well....is all I can say after listening to your beautiful voice. Felicia, you have blossomed & your voice has surpassed so many different levels, that I can't even keep track!!!. As someone who has known you all of your life, I can truly say that I am honored & blessed to be your "special big first cousin"...smile..Aunt Ro & Uncle Bobby, I want to personally thank you both for creating such a talented young lady, She is truly her own Boss. Thank you both for allowing Felicia to go out & claim her piece of this crazy business. I know that she can & will make it. Most of all, Thank you both for introducing Felicia to GOD, because if it weren't HIM, NONE of this would be possible. Keep reaching for the stars Felicia, you are more than half way there. You will always be a true SUPERSTAR DIVA, in my eyes. In case anyone is wondering if Felicia could sing before she could talk, the answer is YES she could SANG, before she could even reach the mic stand. Press on BABYCUZ, I LOVE YOU TO PIECES....NINA & Family...GOD BLESS

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