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Subject: `~Big ``Up To My Homegirl

Laurie Kelley
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Date Posted: 19:58:23 08/17/04 Tue

I know this is long overdue but all things in due season. Leesha i hope you don't mind me calling you that after all those years growing up in White Plains!Congratulations are in order for not just this ACTIONPACKED CD but also the many blessings that God has bestowed upon you, starting with Ashley. You are a beautiful, determined individual. I'm so very thankful to know you personally. Being a singer, and writer gives me inspiration. Thanks for the tips along the years. Chaz n' Wilson's, 72 West, Blue Angel was the bomb. I met "Kid", "Melonie Daniels" Luther Vandross", sang background with "Carl Thomas" for Wade Elliott. Girl you don't know how you're knowledge saved me from some pitfalls of that industry. It's Mommy time right now for me. You know firsthand these early years are crucial. Anyway, much respect and if i can help in anyway possible, let me know. We talked briefly at Tati's party but God is moving in my life right now. Love ya, Stay humble and represent well!!!!! My baby, Ryanne loves "Hello" cause that's my joint ####1 P.S.Tell England & Jr. get the remixes ready!!!!! RIP Brunny!!!

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