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Subject: Docktrash Party- What a great time!!

Tom & Cindy
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Date Posted: 07:41:22 01/19/04 Mon

We just wanted to thank Mirna and the Docktrash crew for a great time this past weekend. We drove 270 miles from the Buffalo-NY area for this (our first) Docktrash Party, and can't wait until the next one. For anyone who hasn't been to one of these, you're missing one great time. It was vary well organized. The food, the drinks, the rooms, the pool, the entertainment were all great. We were surprised at all the freebee's they gave you when registering. The bar staff at Mr. Ed's as well as the staff at the Commodore Perry Inn always treated you first class. We felt right at home with all the crazy boaters, who were very friendly. The guy from the other couple from our boating group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/buffalonekkidboating/ that attended with us, "Ruby12222", who claims he "doesn't drink", was having a real tough time locating his car Sunday morning. Could it be the spiked fruit cocktail, or those 100 Jello shots he had the night before? He was ok though, after we pointed out, they took his wife's car for the trip! Thanks again Docktrash crew, and especially Chuck & Lisa for making us feel welcome.
Tom & Cindy

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