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Date Posted: 12:17:21 03/08/04 Mon
Author: ...the one who bangs
Subject: sat night

JAYSUS, the show on Sat night was off the hook....first the attic...alot of fun especially when your drum kit is sliding all over the place. Other then that....the show went well. Peeps showed up, many people shopped (front of the store is a vintage clothing shop), and every one just fucking rocked it. Special thanks to RUSTED SHUT for letting us use their PA and for putting on one of craziest shows Ive seen. These guys are a really tight unit and everyone in the band put on an amazing performance. After that it was onward to Malone's our 2nd gig for the night. We missed our good buddies CORE 10 and we are really sorry about that, but the buzz around the place was CORE 10 had a phenomenal set as usual. RINGSIDE was the next band that played and let me tell you guys something. We were blown away by their raw power, and intensity. Def an amazing band to see live and Im def gonna check them out at the Whiskey opening up for HEDpe). We started to play around midnight....it was amazing to hear people singin our songs and clapping along. We decided to try a new setlist so we started with #7 and ended with Russia...the crowd went wild and wanted more...so for our encore we pulled out one of our older tunes (Peice) and finished off with that. Again especial thanks to CORE 10 and RINGSIDE for sharing the stage with us.


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