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Date Posted: 14:05:13 10/03/04 Sun
Author: Nick
Subject: **** DeFtOnEs' ShOw ReViEW ******** Sept. 28 2004

I have an inspiration from the Deftones. It's real. I love the way they move and how they live their lives.

I've never seen the Deftones before. It was actually a long awaited show for me. I remember back in the mid 90's when the name "Deftones" came up while listening to other bands with friends. I also remember smoking with Adrian one night at a friend's house that played guitar, and he had the home video of the "deftones" .... It was the video "Bored". Their first hit!

As my life continued, I came across "White Pony". The Deftone's 3rd studio album. It was like gravy on a biscut. Warm, tasty, and a lil' spicy. That cd has a place in heart at a time when I was 21-23 years old.

So, I heard the Deftones were going to be planning a Western tour before they release their 5th album (due in early 2005). I HAD TO GO!

It was like Jesus coming back and all the Catholics bought front row tickets. It was a must show.

I missed them last year in November, and I have regret it for the WHOLE year.

Now, I went to the show (it was at THe HOuse Of Blues in Hollywood). Beautiful venue, easy access to a brew-nanny, and they kept the place nice and cool during the show.

I have never seen a band with so much intensity in my life. The minute they started playing, I was completely in the middle of a riot. The kind where people get bumped into you, you look at each other, smile, and then run away to "pit" some more.... It was great.

I last about 4 songs in the pit, then decided to go find "Sajy-Moto". He was chillen in the back, in the middle, right behind the sound engineer.

They played every song I've ever wanted to hear them play, Digital Bath, My Own Summer, Shove It, Minerva, etc, etc.

I had the greatest time in my life, and I can't wait till June rules the world, same way.

-With love,

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