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Date Posted: 09:18:51 10/28/04 Thu
Subject: Guess who I ran in to at the Rainbow?

So Im kicking back at the Rainbow after a few good phat....well lets just say I was on a higher plane of consiousness. Any way I was there to see the Jake Jamison band do their acoustic thang. So after the show we were all standing outside and we all feel this presence of someone standing behind us. We turn around and there he was...tall, husky, dressed in black, with his long strangled black hair laying over his black shirt....and these two huge moles on the right hand side of his face. It was fucking Lemmy from Motorhead. All in all it was good night, got really fucked up, listened to some great acoustic rock, and running into Lemmy. Fuck man, its cool to see a legend that up close. Sorry I tend to get a little star struck, hehe alright so tonight is our show at club Vegas, check out our events page for more details...another show to look out for is The Roxy. We will be joining our good friends, TRUST IN BLOOD and DEADLOCK on stage that night. Keep checking our site for more details to come (partybus, tix, etc). See you guys tonight...much love, peace, and soylent green.

lots of love,

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