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Subject: ~Entrance~

Princess Aryian
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Date Posted: 17:09:46 05/15/02 Wed

~Young woman enters crimson off-the-shoudler dress clinging to her young but curved body, her long black tresses pulled up and back out of her face, she was merely 14 yet she looked 16, she lets herself into her parent's private room and leans against the door when she closes it again, her head shaking lightly as crimson lips form a smirk~ Mohrg, even I know when to intrude on my parents and when not to and I am only 14, I guess there are some things an arch litch will never learn ~She smirks and leans against the door, it was easy to tell that she would be a woman of power, even if the crown was to be her brothers, she was not going to be glanced over, her very presence held a strong combination of Celesta's, Braeden's and her father's commanding and powerful presence, dark eyes turn on her parents and gentle nod is given of her young face~ When the ordeal is over here mother, and when you are finished with eachother ~She teases~ I would like to introduce you to some of my knew... findings...

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Subject Author Date
*where?*Queen Braeden16:20:09 05/16/02 Thu
  • ~entrance~ -- Celesta, 16:44:34 05/16/02 Thu
    • ~Time~ -- Aryian, 08:02:31 05/17/02 Fri

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