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Subject: *comfort*

King Kyrvik
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Date Posted: 21:30:32 06/11/02 Tue
In reply to: Queen Braeden 's message, "*wait...>*" on 20:21:23 06/11/02 Tue

*He moved to sit behind her as she cleansed the wound, he knew she had it handled and if aid was needed he would give it, after a moment he lightly pulls her down into the comfort of his lap and kisses her neck, with gentle touch he takes the sponge from her hand and wets it once more, releaving it of excess moister he touches the warm sponge to her soudler gently his other had sneaking something from a drawer within reach, he glances at her shoulder pleased wihtthe cleanlines and slips his fingers into a cool salve he had mixed a few night before, he spread it gently over her shoudler, the cooling effect numbing the wound in the slightest though did not numb the arm itself, he rubbed it in gently leaving no trace just a slight tingle as it went to work to be sure the wounds were truely clean, tehn to keep it that way and aid in sealing it faster than usual. Hands were wrinses in basin, her still on his lp. he reaches fora towel and dries his hands then lets his amrs slip about ehr waist to rest against her warm stomche, his lips touching lightly to her back in slow rythym*

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Subject Author Date
*better...>*Queen Braeden13:32:25 06/12/02 Wed
  • *Change* -- King Kyrvik, 21:19:57 06/12/02 Wed
    • *rake...>* -- Queen Braeden, 11:09:17 06/13/02 Thu
      • *Settle* -- King Kyrvik, 15:15:59 06/13/02 Thu
        • *please...>* -- Queen Braeden, 08:23:33 06/15/02 Sat
          • *Take* -- King Kyrvik, 17:45:06 06/15/02 Sat
            • *draw...>* -- Queen Braeden, 19:09:54 06/22/02 Sat
              • *Want* -- King Kyrvik, 00:26:38 06/23/02 Sun

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