Luis (julian)
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Date Posted: 16:04:38 07/20/03 Sun
hey whats up everyone! how are things? ian, this website if off the hook! good work, u have to call me though and tell me how to give u my pics. thanks to everyone for a great session, it was amazing. i had way more fun than i ever expexted! i hope everything is going well with everyone. shout out to GRANADA! holla back! lol, um i just wanted to say too, thanks for that good bye singing or what ever u would classify it as, it meant more to me than u could ever imagine. please e mail me @, or my sn is bigshooter239, and yeah, if u wanna give me a call, i would love to hear from all of u, so im me or email me and i can get ur number or u can get mine. leon, u can post all my info, ( eventhough thats basically what i just did) and yeah, i hope to hear from u all soon! take care.
~LuIs~ ps- i have all the songs stuck in my head too!
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