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Date Posted: 20:05:24 09/26/12 Wed
Author: Director
Subject: *The Most Enchanting Pageant in Louisiana*

November 10, 2012
The Quality Inn Hotel &
Conference Center Hammond, La.

Cinderella Invites You To… Enchanting Dolls our early bird deadline has been extended to Oct 1

::: The All Disney Princess Theme Pageant :::

3 GRAND SUPREMES 0-3 * 4-7 * 8--up
Receives a beautiful crown, musical monogrammed banner, a Disney princess gift and
$30 for each contestant in your supreme breakdown.

3 MINI SUPREMES 0-3 * 4-7 * 8-up
Receives a beautiful crown, musical monogrammed banner, a Disney princess gift and
$20 for each contestant in your supreme breakdown.

Receives a beautiful crown, musical monogrammed banner, a Disney princess gift and
$10 for each contestant in your age division

This will be the second highest total scores from all the first place alternates in 0-5 and 6-up
winning a beautiful crown, musical monogrammed banner and a great Disney gift.
Must be entered to win this title it is an extra crown title.

Early Supreme Package By Oct 1 Only $200
Includes Beauty, Outfit of Choice and Free Side Awards
A $50 deposit locks you in and you will receive a gift at registration
Be one of the first 20 to pay in full by this date and receive a gift on stage at crowning
Attire: Glitz beauty dress or face dress and your outfit of choice it does not have to be Disney themed.

Open to all states for girls ages 0-13 years.
Age appropriate gifts for 10-11 and 12-13 years.

All hair and makeup artist are invited to attend, please send your information to be listed under the banner asap.

email LU-LU2@COX.NET

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