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Subject: for matt and corie

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Date Posted: Thursday, August 07, 02:52:57pm

i'm bored...so figured i'd go ahead and give skylar's website audience something to get started on with the whole "kinky sex" pointers. this is the way i figure this'll work: i'll start it off and no doubt corie will respond and happily elaborate. then of course corie and i will probably feed off of each other. a snowball effect if you will.

Part 1: Finding the Right Chick.
1.if she has an adam's apple, you probably don't want to get involved, no matter how dirty she's talkin'.
2.do not...i repeat...do NOT get her drunk. a)girls who are really willing/talented will not need the alcohol. b)it's a good way to get yourself into a shitload of trouble. c)alcohol tends to numb senses a bit...meaning it'll inhibit her ability to climax...meaning...the less fun she's having, the less fun you'll be having.
3)make sure you're both on the same page about the kinds of "stuff" you're into. i personally am not sure what "kinky" entails...i just thought it made a good subject title a few days ago. you see? even the seemingly informed are often deceivingly sheltered.
4)if it's not a girl you just met but someone you're with i say go by the "it never hurts to ask" rule. sure, you might get a big fat "NO!" but ya never know for sure til you ask. don't be pushy, as that can come off as sexual harrassment.

so there you have it. simple and logical advice about my stupid subject title.

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Re: for matt and corieOne of your subjects, CThursday, August 07, 09:28:00pm

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