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Subject: All at once, let's get this over with

She could be a tomb raider, C
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Date Posted: Saturday, August 09, 08:44:45am

Mmmm John Donne... I love mr. donne. He makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Pleasing the mob... you have to stroke it just right.

We need to think of a better word for horny that isnt "arroused" cause arroused doesnt really capture all of what horny does. but yeah. I figure I came up with sticker, someone else give me a new word for horny. cause "horny" just isnt cutting it for me.

The chicken crossed the road to become my dinner. It's a sad tale, I know.
The movie that most resembled my life in 2001 was 16 candles. If you havent seen it, get on it. Yeah, cause my family forgot my birthday, I was in lust with some "random guy" well... to be honest, he wasnt random, but who cares, and... yeah, I thought everything sucked.
So.... I was molly ringwald. As far as today goes... Im not sure what movie resembles my life.

Alright, I should be moving things... gah. Bye.

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Re: All at once, let's get this over withThe LarskySaturday, August 09, 09:12:17am

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