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Date Posted: 05:53:47 02/16/07 Fri
Author: Tom Husband (Good education leads to great things!)
Author Host/IP: host86-142-166-6.range86-142.btcentralplus.com /
Subject: Petition Tony Blair for better education.

We are parents of a severely dyslexic 10 year old child. From reception we have had to fight for any support for our child.

It is a battle we lost. Education Authorities refuse to put funding in place to help children with special needs. Consequently 1 in 5 children start secondary school unable to read or write properly and 1 in 5 boys aged 14 have the reading skills of a 7 year old*.

The government refuses to deal with this national scandal properly despite adult illiteracy costing the UK tax payer over £2 billion per year **. In a class of 30 children 6 will have special needs. All children suffer under the present system.

We want the government to have a Special Educational Needs system which is fit for purpose. Please help by signing the petition we have started and by passing it on to at least five people.

CLICK ON THIS LINK http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/FitForPurposeSEN/

Many thanks,
Tom and Adriana

*information taken from Xtraordinary People website
** KPMG Foundation report "The long term costs of literacy difficulties" dated December 2006.

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