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Date Posted: 13:28:30 09/02/06 Sat
Author: Michael d'Emden
Author Host/IP: 203-206-28-199.dyn.iinet.net.au /
Subject: Re: Help find Mavis Gatenby's (D'emden)birth and place
In reply to: Kris 's message, "Help find Mavis Gatenby's (D'emden)birth and place" on 08:45:51 06/17/06 Sat

I live in Qld but was born in Tasmania. My father was Peter and his father was Philip, mu great grand father was Henry Lyndhurst and my great grandfather was Henri JAmes, who I suspect is also your great great grandfather.

I think this will help you:

It starts here:-

I.1 Henri van EMDEN (d' Emden), Surgeon Dentist, born on 17-10-1791 in Amsterdam ? Died on 01-09-1843 in London at the age of 51, 21 Elizabeth St.South, Belgrave.
Church marriage at the age of 31 on 02-04-1823 in Bishopsgate, London (St.Botolph's Anglican Church) to Ann GLADWIN, 25 years old, born on 13-11-1797 in ? Died on 16-09-1857 in Norwood, Middlesex, England at the age of 59. Middlesex Lunatic Asylum.
From this marriage:
1. Henri James d' EMDEN (see also II.1).

2. Anne Martha d' EMDEN, born on 18-12-1825 in London.

3. Charles Yates d' EMDEN, born on 24-02-1828 in London. Saint James, Paddington, died on 23-04-1829 in London at the age of 1.

4. Harriet Ellen d' EMDEN, born on 11-04-1829 in London. Saint James, Paddington.

5. George Lewis d' EMDEN (see also II.6).

II.1 Henri James d' EMDEN, Missionary to the French in London (-1852); Congregational Minister in Hobart and Richmond (1853-1855); Editor of the Colonial Times in Hobart (1855-1857; Lawyer (-1863-1872); Parliamentary reporter for The Mercury, born on 04-02-1824 in Southgate, London, died on 12-09-1875 in New Norfolk, Tasmania at the age of 51. He was a succesful painter and lithographer; studied in Holland, son of Henri van EMDEN (d' Emden) (see also I.1) and Ann GLADWIN.
Church marriage at the age of 26 on 07-02-1850 in East Barnet, Hertfordshire, England (Congregational) to Emma YOUNG, 27 years old, born on 15-02-1822 in London, died on 21-11-1899 in Hobart, Tasmania at the age of 77.
From this marriage:
1. Lois Mary, born on 26-01-1851 in Tonbridge, New Road, England, died on 01-10-1928 in Hobart, Tasmania at the age of 77.

2. James Swinbourn (see also III.2).

3. Annie Eva, born on 26-08-1854 in Hobart, Tasmania. Collins Street, died on 06-03-1937 in Hobart, Tasmania at the age of 82.
Married to Robert L. LUTTRELL.

4. George Ernest (see also III.6).

5. Henry Lyndhurst (see also III.9).

III.6 George Ernest d' EMDEN, accountant, born on 02-10-1855 in Hobart, Tasmania, died on 26-09-1943 in Sandy Bay, Tasmania at the age of 87, buried in Cornelian Bay, New Town, Tasmania, son of Henri James d' EMDEN (see also II.1) and Emma YOUNG.
Church marriage (1) at the age of 26 on 01-12-1881 in Hobart Tasmania to Sophia Mary BEDDOME, 26 years old, born on 28-06-1855 in Hobart, Tasmania, died on 19-11-1886 in Hobart, Tasmania at the age of 31.
Church marriage (2) at the age of 36 on 02-08-1892 in Hobart, Tasmania to Fanny ROBLIN, 28 years old, born on 12-03-1864 in Hobart, Tasmania, died on 04-03-1955 in Lindisfarne, Tasmania at the age of 90, daughter of Thomas ROBLIN and Ann BILLING.
From the first marriage:
1. Ernest Harry (see also IV.10).

2. Arthur Swinbourn (see also IV.12).

3. Lucy Emma, born on 29-04-1885 in Hobart, Tasmania, died on 01-09-1965 in Hobart, Tasmania at the age of 80.
Married at the age of 22 on 05-02-1908 to John l'Erson LOW.

From the second marriage:
4. Thomas George, born on 27-05-1893 in Hobart, Tasmania, died 1963.
Married to Marjorie Edith SIMMONDS, died 1984.

5. Frank (see also IV.18).

6. Bessie Havergal (see also IV.21).

7. Maxwell Roblin (see also IV.22).

IV.12 Arthur Swinbourn d' EMDEN, born on 04-08-1883 in Fingal, Tasmania, son of George Ernest d' EMDEN (see also III.6) and Sophia Mary BEDDOME.
Married at the age of 25 on 03-05-1909 to Elsie Mary MATHER.
From this marriage:
1. Mavis Amy, born on 28-10-1912.
Married at the age of 24 on 06-02-1937 to Albert GATENBY.

And that is your Grandmother.

So we share the same great great grandfather, Henri James d'Emden

You can find all this at:-

There is another link somewhere that will take you back to the mid 1600s to Abraham Van Emden who was born in Emden and moved to Amseterdam

Hope that helps

Michael d'Emden

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  • Re: Help find Mavis Gatenby's (D'emden)birth and place -- Vicki D'Emden (I have that surname), 19:19:26 06/25/07 Mon
  • Re: Help find Mavis Gatenby's (D'emden)birth and place -- kryptoph, 06:38:48 08/31/07 Fri
  • Re: Help find Mavis Gatenby's (D'emden)birth and place -- Kris Gatenby, 16:55:51 08/02/08 Sat

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