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Subject: make up to $240/hr with your webcam at home

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Date Posted: 10:09:12 10/15/06 Sun

Earn 50% commissions
As a OpenMyCam's Model, you set your own hours and schedule. Work as much as you want or as little as you want. You're the boss. You bring the talent, we bring the customers!
If you have a computer, video camera, and an Internet conenction, then you're ready to start! You don't want to miss out on this great opportunity to make money at OpenMyCam.com.
Earn up to $240 an hour
How does it work?
Create an account. After you're approved, you will appear online and can start a chat session. Then, customers can enter your room, see you, and chat with you. Customers spend money when they decide to view your show or they enter premium (per minute) chat for a fee.

How much do I earn?
You can set your own rate from $.99 to $3.99 per minute. You earn 50% of the total amount each customer spends. That's the highest commission you can find on the net!

For more info, please go to http://www.openmycam.com/model/

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Subject Author Date
Re: make up to $240/hr with your webcam at homekandane miley (serious)09:09:58 11/11/06 Sat

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