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Subject: Re: Online adult models needed to work from home

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Date Posted: 00:54:51 07/28/07 Sat

>IVPZ is a leading online adult entertainment supplier.
>We are looking for experienced and inexperienced models
>of all ages and specialties (must be 18 or older).
>Teen to Mature, Lesbian to Gay Male.
>This is a unique opportunity for you to make money
>from the privacy of your own home as much as $5000 plus
>Models will be enrolled in our unique new program that
>allows models to supply their own images and videos
>attending a shoot. This means you can be anywhere in
>the world to apply and will have complete privacy.
>Models in this program will be able to make as much
>as $5000 per month and more from the comfort of their
>own homes.
>Apply today www3.ivpz.com or email info@ivpz.com
>This opportunity is open to models 18 years or older

I am a 18 year old. I turned 18 in Jan. and am interested. I am 5'4 and weigh 110 poundz. My breast size iz a 36 c. Email me if You are interested in me

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