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Subject: Spokesmodels, Models, Actors

Talent Coordinator
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Date Posted: 14:29:24 03/19/04 Fri

Auditioning Spokesmodels, Models and Actors

Funality.com has been contracted to provide marketing and promotional assistance for an adult products manufacturer. We will be producing videos and developing a website and print campaign to introduce a revolutionary new line of sex products. We will also be auditioning for product marketing spokesmodels for trade shows and product introduction seminars.

To apply, please send a resume, headshot and full length photos to Talent@Funality.com, or go to http://funality.com/model_ad.htm and click on "ONLINE APPLICATION".

We will be hiring for the following positions:

Narration for Promotional Videos, DVD's and CD's.
Requirements: Pleasant sexy voice. Prior voice-over experience is a plus, but not required.

Product Marketing Spokesmodels
Spokesmodels needed to work the floor to present products at trade shows and demonstration seminars.
Duties: Greet potential customers, present information verbally, distribute brochures, and direct customers to sales associates.
Requirements: Exceptional looks, extremely outgoing personality and confidence, ability to speak comfortably with strangers.
Travel may be required.

Print Model
Male and Female models needed for images to be used in printed promotional brochures, ad campaigns, and other still image promotional material.
Requirements: Exceptional appearance and level off fitness.
Nudity may be required. Must be 18 years of age with two photo ID's at audition.

Web Model
Male and Female models needed for images to be used in Product web sites, Internet ad campaigns, and other still image promotional material.
Requirements: Exceptional appearance and level off fitness.
Nudity may be required. Must be 18 years of age with two photo ID's at audition.

Video Actors
Male and Female models needed for promotional Videos, DVD's and CD's
Duties: Act in videos demonstrating the uses and maintenance of a new sex product.
Requirements: Exceptional appearance and level of fitness. Softcore interaction with males and females.
Nudity required. Must be 18 years of age with two photo ID's at audition.

Live Actors
Male and Female models needed for promotional demonstrations
Duties: Perform in live shows demonstrating the uses and maintenance of a new sex product.
Requirements: Exceptional appearance and level of fitness. Softcore interaction with males and females.
Travel may be required. Nudity required. Must be 18 years of age with two photo ID's at audition.

Compensation will be based on level of experience and demonstrated abilities.

Auditions and interviews will be held in early April, in New Port Richey, Florida.

To apply, please send a resume, headshot and full length photos to Talent@Funality.com, or go to http://funality.com/model_ad.htm and click on "ONLINE APPLICATION".

If selected for an interview and/or audition, you will be contacted with further information.

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