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Subject: Looking for Actors and Models

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Date Posted: 12:00:49 01/31/06 Tue

If you are a Model,Actor or you want to become one then check out this site..< http://www.impactww.com >..Then if you are really serious use this code to sign up CHST3060.Don't worry,it's FREE.


$100,000 new face of the year competition

to celebrate the launch of impact worldwide, they are selecting a new face of the year to be our spokesperson and win a $100,000 five-year spokesperson contest. anyone from 4 years old and up can enter by simply registering on the site. there is no purchase required to register.

each month impact will select the 50 most beautiful people of the month. the 50 people selected will be of diverse background: sex, race, and age. the selections will be based on inner and outer beauty. we are seeking a well rounded person; not just a classic beauty.

the 50 finalists will be featured on the website and visitors will be able to vote for the winner each month. each month's winner will receive the following:

* a photo shoot

* the monthly winner will be featured in our ad campaign with Instyle.com and People.com (TeenPeople.com for under the age of 18).

* a trip to new york to compete for the new face of the year competition and a chance to win the $100,000 spokesperson contract.

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