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Subject: Modelling wardrobe (dresses, lingerie, wigs, more) on eBay-- $1!

Josie Nutter
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Date Posted: 16:06:08 05/30/06 Tue

Modelling wardrobe (dresses, lingerie, wigs, more) on eBay-- $1!

I recently discovered that my burlesque hobby has been causing problems for me, career-wise. (I won't go into all of the mundane details here, but I work in a very small, very socially interconnected field that is dominated by surprisingly conservative men). My career is the most important thing in my life, and always has been. As a result, I made the choice to quit performing with Glitzkrieg... and no longer have a use for the pasties, costume jewelry, flashy lingerie, wigs, and stage costumes I still have left. If any of you are interested, I listed everything on ebay for $1. The auctions end next Saturday from noon 'til around 3pm (pacific time).

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The last 4 years have been fun, but ultimately exhausting. I have to admit that it's not without some relief that I lay down my garters. I actually get to be a regular ol' spectator now, which opens my schedule enough to let me go back to school part-time and finally make some more progress on my degree.

(This does not mean I will not be modelling anymore. I will still be doing shoots, just not very often once school starts.)

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