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Subject: Models needed for workshop

Steven Stiefel
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Date Posted: 18:00:35 05/24/01 Thu

Female models at least 18 years of age,

We are in need of at least two professional models for a workshop and group shoot to take place at Little River Canyon National Park on August 25, 2001. This will be a glamour shoot with models in bikinis and implied or actual nudes.

Models willing to work for free are welcome to attend, contingent upon the approval of the host. Do not show up uninvited. Photographers will have the option of shooting you one-on-one if you are unpaid. All models chosen to participate, paid or unpaid, will get a free listing on our website. You don't have to have years of experience, but you must know how to move in front of the camera without a great amount of instruction.

Interested persons should send an e-mail including the basic information, stats, experience, rates, availability, etc. Listing a website URL image link is preferable to attaching images to an e-mail. We prefer you be located in the Southeast so we do not have to pay to fly you in.

This will be a staged event where photographers use their cameras to take pictures of live models against the breathtaking national park and in our studio.

Photographers come to practice their photographic skills by taking photographs of models and to acquire photographs for their portfolios. Models come to these events either to practice their modeling skills and to receive photographs for their portfolios. Only two models will be paid and they will pose for the group instead of one-on-one.

Photographers at these events generally are encouraged to give the models photographs for the models to use in their portfolios.

Steven Stiefel


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