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Subject: Mapi Falkon & Phaestos Productions

Gary Waters
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Date Posted: 10:51:24 07/07/01 Sat

Phaestos Productions is proud to have MAPI FALKON join our game project in a major character role. MS. FALKON is a 5’-9” French actress and international model who has appeared in 6 films and 2 television series in Canada. MAPI has also appeared in a television series in France. MAPI was a finalist in both “The Look of the Year 1990” and “Top Model Quelle 1989”. She has graced the covers of many magazines including, Penthouse Europe (July 1996) and The Girls of Penthouse Europe July/August 1998).
Visitors to MS. FALKON’S website are amazed when they learn that MAPI is able to enter into her psychic mind, allowing her to slip from the consciousness of a nun, to that of an independent businesswoman, to that of a hooker on the street. Her chameleon-like personality and her life experiences enable MS. FALKON to thoroughly integrate song, dance, and drama into a single role, with intensity and conviction.
MAPI has an intuitive gift for personality insight, and a dramatic gift for reproducing and replicating another individual’s feelings and behavior. We understand that Oliver Stone is interested in including MAPI in one of his projects. With MS. FALKON’S natural beauty and remarkable gifts, it comes as no surprise to us. We, at Phaestos Productions are delighted to have MAPI working with us on our game. To learn more about MAPI FALKON, or to contact her, visit her fan site at:
Phaestos Productions vision is to create a line of high-quality, innovative, and dynamic role-playing/adventure games. With strong character/story development and outstanding talent like MAPI FALKON, we will create a new genre of interactive games that will address a distinct gap in the interactive game market.
If you are interested in becoming part of this Phaestos Productions project, please send an email and a sample photograph or a web-site link to Gary_M_Waters@msn.com

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