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Subject: $5,000 for Webcam Amateur (+Rent/Utilities/Travel)

Meredith Dejoung
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Date Posted: 04:00:39 09/01/01 Sat


I'm adding a new addition to my site and I need and girl who is interested in a unique opportunity. I'm offering a female model (Amateur to profession) to chance to earn $5,000 for a four month stint as a "Webcam Girl"

During your stay you will be required to do live webcam chats, provide content for the website, and have a great easy time. if you like it after the initial period we can also extent you for another session or some revenue sharing deal.

The house is located in Northern California. It is over 2,500 square feet with a pool and jacuzzi and backs up to a state park. You will be the only person the in house (It is not a group webcam) All rent and utilities will be paid along with some meals.

Just so you know up front full nudity is required. You will also be required to sign a simple model release. Of the $5,000 you will receive half up front. If interested please send us at least three pictures of yourself to our address webcam@tylersclubhouse.com. You cna also check out the website at http://www.tylersclubhouse.com/webcam.htm . if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail us at your convience. Thanks!

- Meredith Dejoung -

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