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Subject: Re: ur gay

i love Tom Felton
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Date Posted: Monday, January 01, 02:40:53am
In reply to: Holly 's message, "Re: ur gay" on Wednesday, March 10, 11:06:14pm

>>tom felton is the gayest thing in the world...he
>>should die.,...he is ugly and stupid.....and all u
>>people should be ashamed for thinking about him for a
>>second....he really should die...hes the ugliest thing
>>in the world.....i would rather date a dead fish than
>>tom felton....i would rather date my mom than tom
>>felton....screw tom felton.....GO DIE!!!!! HE SUCKS
>>tom felton sux
>>tom felton is gay
>>tom felton likes screwing his brother
>>tom feltonis the gayest dumbass
>you are blind then cause he looks fine to me why is he
>a dumbass?
>And if he is so gay and don't care about him then why
>are you on this website?
>You probably couldn't even get a dead fish to ask you
>So you are bad mouthing us and tom because of your
>pathetic life.
>Am i right?
>Am i right?
> i think his the hottest guy i have ever seen, the type of guy i hope to marry someday. he's really hot, he turns me on so much. i'll love to see him naked. if he will come and ask "wanna have sex?" i'll say yes without having to think. if he had AIDS i woundn't mind to get infected i wound still do him. i can't say i love him coz we have never met but i sure think he's hot as hell. if someone wants to mail me my e-mail is fakeemail1993@yahoo.com well it is fakeemal them 1993 just cause you got confuse with the l as mail and the number one

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Subject Author Date
Re: ur gayNatorious ste I.V (happy)Sunday, May 06, 03:09:59am

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